Laser Therapy

What is Laser Therapy?

Laser Therapy is known by many terms, including cold or low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Recently, experts have chosen photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) as a more accurate term that describes the therapeutic use of red and near-infrared wavelengths of light energy from laser OR light emitting diodes (LEDs) that interact with photoreceptors to produce photochemical reactions that have a positive effect on cellular metabolism and recovery from damage and inflammation.

BIOFLEX® is the only laser therapy company that utilizes powerful Class 3B lasers together with large surface arrays of bicolour LEDs that affect a large volume of circulating blood as well as underlying tissues resulting in both a powerful systemic and direct photobiomodulation effect. The overall clinical effect of targeting both the injured/diseased tissues as well as the surrounding circulatory system is an unsurpassed accelerated healing response and decrease in pain, inflammation, edema and associated symptoms.

  • We will be the only clinic providing laser therapy in the surrounding areas.
  • Laser Therapy has proven results in acute inflammatory conditions, chronic muscular problems and post surgery like joint replacement, ligament surgeries.

What's the Difference Between Class 3B and Class IV Lasers

Class 3B
image showing that Class3B lasers have lower energy and longer treatment duration that optimize healing and anti-inflammatory effects
5-500 mW Athermal
Lower Energy and longer treatment duration optimizes healing and anti-inflammatory effects.
Class IV
image showing that Class IV lasers have high energy and longer wavelengths that result in tissue heating and less penetration
5-500 mW Athermal
High energy and longer wavelengths result in tissue heating and less penetration.

The definition of PBMT mentions that if lasers are used they must be less than 500 mW to avoid a thermal reaction and inhibition of healing. Thus, any single laser diode with the goal of photobiomodulation should be a Class 3B when contacting the skin to ensure optimal penetration and provide enough stimulatory healing energy but not cause thermal tissue damage.

Class 4 Laser Therapy (known as high intensity laser therapy or HILT) generally targets water to heat tissues resulting in a temporary analgesic effect but not a photobiomodulation effect that stimulates healing. The most common wavelength for Class 4 Laser therapy is 980 nm. The power is so high that to avoid burns the laser diode cannot directly make contact with the skin and must be constantly moved. The therapeutic effect is analogous to using a deep heating pad.

Clinical Effects of Laser Therapy

The therapeutic effects of Laser Therapy at the cellular level have proven to increase ATP levels and DNA synthesis and are specific to enhance mitochondrial membrane potential and function. The light emitted using the various laser therapy systems stimulate the photochemical reactions within the cells supporting mitochondrial activities. This can create beneficial changes in cell behavior and accelerate the natural healing process.

Image showing the clinical effects of laser therapy

What is Laser Therapy Most Effective at Treating?

Musculoskeletal Injuries

The most common applications are muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendinopathies, cartilage tears bursitis and other injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

Whether it’s a sports injury, overuse condition, or an accident, the goal of treatment is to accelerate the healing process and decrease symptoms which allows the clinician to initiate manual and exercise therapies much sooner.

Open Wounds

BIOFLEX Laser Therapy has been proven to accelerate surgical wound healing, dermal ulcers, diabetic lesions and all other recalcitrant wounds.

This results in increased angiogenesis, neovascularization, collagen secretion and decreased inflammatory exudate and provides epithelization of the wound, improved arterial perfusion and, regeneration of the local and regional tissues.

(Professional Systems)


Chronic progressive forms of joint degeneration can be effectively managed with BIOFLEX Laser Therapy. All of the arthritides from early to late stages will respond to treatment resulting in decreased pain, inflammation, stiffness and edema.

Research has even shown repair and regeneration of eroded hyaline cartilage when exposed to Laser Therapy.

(Professional Systems)

Nerve Damage

From diabetic neuropathy to discogenic radiculopathy to carpal tunnel syndrome, BIOFLEX Laser Therapy can accelerate nerve healing and decrease paraesthesia and nerve pain as a result of direct absorption of light.

Many peer reviewed clinical trials and lab studies have proven Laser Therapy is an effective therapy for nerve healing and has no known side effects.

Coming soon...

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